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Warrior 14.630m

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$ 5050.00
LOD: 48-52ft 14.630-15.849m
Beam: 15ft 4.572m
Draught: 3'6" 1.066m
Freeboard fore: 7'3" 2.209m
Displacement: 40,000lbs
Fuel: 400 gals
Water: 200 gals
Timber: 2500 super ft;
Plywood: 12mm 22 sheets; 9mm 6 sheets; 6mm 12 sheets

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The WARRIOR is a displacement launch and has been designed for twin installation to reduce draught. As with all our displacement launches, the Warrior features a high bow with 2.209m freeboard forward, a fine deep entry blending into a deep vee midship section and flowing aft to a wide flat transom for maximum stability. This hull shape ensures a very easily driven hull requiring little fuel to maintain reasonable cruising speeds. Performance figures given on request.

Two alternative cabin styles are shown on the plan. One features covered in side decks and the other a more conventional trawler type cabin style. The interior layout features a large owner's cabin forward with a double bunk and plenty of room for vanity unit, lockers etc with a private WC, shower, wash basin etc. There is a 2 berth cabin aft of this. Amidships there is a large roomy galley with 2.438m headroom and up in the saloon a dinette pull out settee berth, bar and L shaped settee with engines under the saloon floor. Aft there is a large self draining cockpit ideal for big game fishing with access through the transom via a stern door to the boarding platform.

The construction is 1" (25mm) bottom which is constructed from 2 skins of 1/2" (12mm) planking. The 3/4" (19mm) sides are over 'heavy fore and aft stringers which are laminated throughout the bottom over sawn frames at approximately aft (914mm) centres. The frames are from 34mm timber and there are 12mm plywood bulkheads dividing the accommodation. All the decks and cabin tops are 2 layers of 9mm plywood.

The plan includes FULLSIZE TEMPLATES of the frames, stem, rims and transom plus detailed working drawings on hull construction, building jig, setting up etc. Plus drawings on decks, cabin and general construction, 2 alternative cabin styles, engine installation, fuel tanks etc. Metric and imperial dimensions are given.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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