Aquarius Nomad 12'
Availability: Product not in stock!
Beam: 5'8"
Draught: 5"
Depth of vee at stern: 10"
Freeboard forward: 1'6"
Freeboard aft: 1'3"
Weight ex machinery: 170Ibs
The 12' NOMAD has been designed as a diving tender, for fishing and as a general knock about dinghy. This craft features out new gull wing shape bottom which has been designed to give good stability at rest for fishing etc. While it still has sufficient vee to give a reasonable ride in rough water. The Nomad is constructed of 1/4" ply over frames and stringers with three 3/4" x 7/8" stringers a side in the bottom. There are 3 frames and a transom with laminated gunwales and chines. This craft also has built in spray rails.
PERFORMANCE: 10 hp outboard 18mph; 20 hp 28 mph.
FULLSIZE PATTERNS: are supplied with the plan for all frames, stem, rims and transom plus detailed drawings of all hull construction and written instructions.
Average building time 45 hours; Timber required 50 super feet plywood: 4 sheets 8 x 4 x 1/4"; 5 ply marine: 1 sheet 8 x 4 x 1/2".