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Skipper 5.4m

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$ 335.00
LOA: 18'0" 5.486m
Beam: 7'9" 2.362m
Draught: 11" 279mm
Freeboard: 3'2" 965mm
Hull weight: 230 kgs
Cockpit depth: 3'0" 914mm
Cabin: 5'1" 1549mm
Cockpit: 8' x 616" 2438x1981 mm
Plywood: 7.5mm 8 sheets; 9mm 6 sheets; 12mm 1 sheet
Timber: 12x1 8ft (300x25), 9x1 150 ft (228x25), 6x1 30ft (150x25)
Glue: 8 litres resorcinal
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The SKIPPER has been designed to be built at the absolute mini­mum cost out of Pine construction plywood. Although cost sav­ing has been No 1 priority for this design there has been no loss of structural strength as the bottom comprises 2 laminations of 7.5mm thick plywood giving a bottom thickness of 15mm while the topsides, deck and cabin structure are from 9mm plywood. The craft is constructed over temporary frames which are simply cut from 12mm chipboard and the hull is constructed over these frames. The bottom is supported with 4 heavy fore and aft gird­ers which comprise 2 laminations of 19mm solid timber Pine glued together to form a 38mm solid girder. There are 4 of these running full length through the bottom of the craft. The top face of these girders is exactly level with the %nal. After the hull is turned over a 12mm thick plywood floor is glued and nailed in place and reinforced with a strip of chopped strand mat fibreglass and poly­ester laminating resin to the bottom and sides of the craft to en­sure a watertight underfloor area. The craft need only be painted with relatively cheap oil based house paint with a primer under­coat and finishing coat.

The hull shape is medium yea 15° with plenty of beam giving a good stable platform for fishing. The hull form is capable of tak­ing outboard motors 40 to 140 h.p. and either twins or single motor can be used. A 40 h.p. outboard will give 28 m.p.h. There are 2 vee bunks forward and a large cockpit with only a simple bulkhead on the starboard side on to which to attach the steering wheel.

The plans include FULL SIZE TEMPLATES of the frames, stem and transom, detailed drawings on hull construction, etc plus written instruction.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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