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Ladybird 3.6m

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$ 145.00
LOA: 12ft
Beam: 5'10"
Draught: 5"
Freeboard: 2ft
Mast length: 19'8"
Displacement: 220 lbs
Plywood: 12 x 4 x 3/16" 4 or 5mm 2 sheets, 8 x 4 x 3/16" 4 or 5mm 2 sheets, 8 x 4 x 1/4" 1 sheet
Timber: 80 super ft

The 12 ft LADYBIRD is ideal for father and son and family day sailing for up to three people. The beamy hull gives excellent stability and the modern rig ensures excellent windward performance as well as good planning ability down wind. The beamy hull does not require the use of a trapeze to hold it up and the craft can be safely left anchored and rigged without capsizing.

The construction used in this craft keeps the weight down to the absolute minimum and the hull can easily be carried by two people which simplifies launching and retrieving. The hull weighs approximately 175 lbs complete unrigged and it can be carried on a roof rack if desired. The dagger board slides through a slot in the centre girder and the case helps to drain the self draining cockpit. Further draining is facilitated through holes in the transom.

Plan includes FULLSIZE PATTERNS plus full construction details.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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