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Minder 5.4m

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$ 200.00
LOA: 18ft 5.486m
Beam: 6'9" 2.057m
Draught: 6" 152mm
Hull weight: 210lbs 94.5kg
Timber: 6x1 95 ft (152x25 - 29m)
Plywood: 12mm 4 sheets, 9mm 5 sheets

The MINDER has been specifically designed for the budget boatbuilder and fisherman. This craft is of a size that is ideal for commercial fishing, i.e. netting, long lining, etc., especially in shallow harbours, estuaries etc. The craft has been designed to carry a good load as well as giving good rough water performance. Outboards of 6 to 40h.p. can be used and a 25h.p. motor will give good planing speeds with a reasonable load aboard.

The construction is of sheet plywood with the bottom cut from 12mm plywood. Simple transverse frames are erected on the bottom along with the stem and transom and the plywood sides which are cut from 9mm are fitted around the outside of the framework. Estimated building time is 42 hours excluding painting. This craft has been designed to be sea kindly in roughwater. It can be rowed from the forward position and the seats are lined underneath with 4" (100mm) foam buoyancy to make the boat unsinkable. The Minder can be trailered on a flat trailer so no complex trailer is required for this type of vessel. The plan includes FULLSIZE TEMPLATES of the frames, plus detailed construction drawings, material list and written instructions.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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