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Aquarius Nomad 15' & 16'

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$ 285.00
LOA: 15' or 16'
Beam: 6'10"
Draught: 10"
Freeboard forward: 2'2"
Freeboard aft: 1'9"
Weight ex machinery: 500Ibs

The 15' / 16' NOMAD has been designed as a family day boat and for limited cruising. This craft can be constructed as an open runabout as above or with a cabin as shown on the 17/18' Nomad. This craft has a lage roomy cockpit with a dodger on the cabin top for use with a folding canopy.

INBOARD: 1600 cc Cortina 30 mph, Mark 3 Zephyr 32 mph

BASIC CONSTRUCTION: is sheet plywood 3/4" bottom over stringers and frames with the after section (gullwing) laminated out of two skins of 3/16" plywood in sheet form for ease of bending. The topsides are from 5116" sheet plywood with the flare formed by the secondary built in spray rail which is half way up the topsides.

FULLSIZE: patterns are supplied with the plan for all frames, stem, rims and transom plus detailed drawings of all hull construction and written instructions on building procedure.

PERFORMANCE: 35 hp outboard 23 mph; 40 h.p. 25 mph; 50 hp 30 mph

Average building time 180 hours.

Timber required 160 super feet; plywood: 8 x 4 x 1/2" 1 sheet; 8 x 4 x3/8" 6 sheets; 8 x 4 x 5/16" 3 sheets; 8 x 4 x V," 3 sheets; 8 x 4 x 3/16" 4 sheets

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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