Envoy 15m
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Hull length: 50ft 15.2m
LWL: 43'6" 13.2m
Beam: 15'9" 4.8m
Draught: 3' 5" 1041mm
Displacement: 14.8 tonnes
Freeboard fore: 6'0" 1828mm
Freeboard aft: 4'3" 1270mm
Headroom: 6'6" 1981mm
Fuel capacity: 1500 litres
Water: 800 litres
The ENVOY has been designed as a sports, fishing or game boat with twin diesel engine power. The Envoy is capable of speeds up to 27 knots with a cruise at around 20/25 knots. This can be achieved with motors such as twin 450 h.p.
The construction is a cedar core planking with GRP inside and out, permanent frames approximately every metre with four large girders which form the engine beds running from bow to stern. The construction has been designed to reduce panel size which can cause a problem with these cedar core GRP layups. Other forms of planking can be used either plywood or double diagonal. The bottom thickness on the Cedar is 35mm and the topsides thickness 25mm with the appropriate laminate of GRP inside and out to reinforce the hull. Decks and cabin structure are of plywood/glass for ease of construction.
The interior layout is fairly conventional and is shown on the study print. The flying bridge was specifically laid out with game fishing in mind and the boarding platform has been designed so it can be folded up against the transom. This keeps it clear of the water in rough conditions and out of the way for fishing. However, it can be instantly lowered if desired. The Envoy is capable of extensive cruising in open sea conditions with generous freeboard forward, deep forefoot and relatively large keel ensuring that the craft has good directional stability especially at the low speeds where the vessel is normally used for fishing.
The plan includes line drawings with table of offsets, full construction drawings for cedar core or double diagonal, engine arrangement, deck layout etc.