Aquarius Empress 22/24ft
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Beam: 8ft"
Draught: 14"
Freeboard forward: 36"
Freeboard aft: 31"
Headroom in dodger: 5'11"
Headroom in fore cabin: 4'11"
Weight ex machinery: 1380lbs
Hours to construct: 800
The AQUARIUS EMPRESS 22/24' has been designed to fulfil the needs of a family cruiser or sports fisherman which can be trailed by a 6 cylinder car. Although this craft has been designed to keep weight to a minimum strength has not been sacrificed. The hull design of this craft features a gullwing stern section and deep vee bow thereby giving a soft ride in rough water conditions while keeping excellent stability at rest or at trolling speed. The vee of the hull at the stern is 18° at the keel sweeping out to minus 3° at the chine. The point to point measurement is 15° at the transom. This measurement is from the point of the keel to the chine. The deadrise approx. one-third back from the bow is 25° which ensures excellent riding ability in all conditions. Although this hull has deep vee characteristics the stability at rest is equal to a hull of approx. 12° and can be driven to high speed with relatively small motors. The construction of this craft is of sheet ply. A bottom thickness of 3/8" for up to 100 h.p. and 2 skins of 1/4" for over 100 h.p. The sides are 3/8" ply with the flare laminated from 2 skins of 3/16" ply cut into 6" strips. The craft is framed in the conventional manner using 4x7/8" timber; bottom stringers 1x 1/4" x 7/8" topside stringers 1 x 7/8" at approx. 6" centres. The construction uses the latest techniques of building lightweight, high speed craft and features laminated chines which incorporate built in spray rails to give a pleasing appearance and to maintain a dry craft in rough conditions.
The plan includes FULLSIZE PATTERNS.