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Apollo 9.144m

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$ 1960.00
LOA: 30ft 9.144m
Beam: 9'6" 2.895m
Draught: 1'5" 431mm
Freeboard forward: 3'10" 1.168m
Freeboard aft: 2'10" 863mm
Headroom: 62" 1.879m
Displacement: 2500lbs 1135kgs
Plywood: 2 sheets 19mm, 10 sheet 12mm, 9 sheets 9mm, 16 sheets 8mm, 27 sheets 6mm,
Timber: 500ft 12 x 1

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The APOLLO has been designed as a cruising launch and was specifically designed for twin outboards around 70 h.p. as these can be tilted clear of the water which eliminates corrosion when moored. The craft can also be powered with I/O if desired. The hull shape is deep vee forward blending into our proven gullwing stern section for good stability and excellent handling especially in following sea conditions. The forward deck and basic cabin styling has been designed to eliminate and reduce windage as much as possible and this allows the craft to be driven into head winds and seas with excellent fuel economy.

The interior layout gives a spacious saloon area which incorpo­rates the L shaped galley and large settees which convert to bunks. There is a roomy two berth fore cabin which incorporates WC, hand basin, settee and locker. Aft there is a self-draining cockpit. Engine controls can either be on the after bulkhead or amidships in the saloon if desired. The cabin saloon area has 6'2" headroom throughout and there is sufficient room under the cabin floor for built in water tanks and/or fuel tanks. The craft is constructed over sawn frames at 3ft (914mm) centres. The frames are 4 x718" (100 x 22) and these are overlaid with heavy fore and aft stringers. The bottom is skinned with 2 layers of 8mm giving a finished thickness of approximately 17mm. The sides are skinned in 12mm and the topsides forward are skinned in 2 lay­ers of 6mm. The craft powered with twin 70 h.p. outboards achieves a top speed of 31mph and a cruising speed of 25 m.p.h. 200 h.p. I/O a top speed of 32 m.p.h. cruising speed 25 m.p.h. Fuel consumption - twin 70 h.p. outboards at 25 m.p.h. is 6 g.p.h. and for the 200 h.p. I/O at 25 m.p.h. approximately 8 g.p.h.

The plan includes FULLSIZE PATTERNS of the frames, stem etc. plus detailed working drawings and written instructions. The plan is in metric & imperial.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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