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Wanderlust 40ft

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$ 1435.00
LOA: 40'0"
Beam: 19'8"
Freeboard fwd: 4'9"
Freeboard aft: 3'7"
Draught: 24"
Cockpit size: 4ft long 11ft wide
Height of mast: 46ft
Length of boom: 13'0"
Beam of each hull: 3'3"
Weight: 6000lbs
Bridge deck clearance: 24" minimum
Sail area:
Mainsail 335 sq.ft
No.1 Jib 240 sq.ft
No.2 Jib 152 sq.ft
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The 40ft WANDERLUST is suitable for ocean cruising and is of heavier displacement than our 32 Snowbird. The Wanderlust has been designed to be easily driven in offshore conditions with generous freeboard to keep the decks of the craft well clear of the surface of the water. This asymmetrical hull design does not require centreboards and the heavy rudders are robustly constructed to withstand the rigours of ocean cruising. The hulls are also solidly constructed over plywood bulkheads with all stringers etc., on edge for maximum stiffness. The keels of this craft are laminated to form a solid backbone for maximum strength and this combined with a modest sail area allows the Wanderlust to withstand adverse conditions.

The plan includes FULLSIZE PATTERNS of the frames, sail and rigging plan, hull construction and internal layout plus full written instructions. Study Print is available.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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