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Chaser 5.48m

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$ 250.00
LOA: 18ft 5.48m
Beam: 8'0" 2.43m
Draught: 81/2" 215mm
Weight: 250Ibs 120kgs
Mast Height: 26'0" 7.9m
Boom: 11'0" 3.35m
Sail area: Main sail -14.29 sqm, Jib - 3.45 sqm
Plywood: 6 sheets 4mm
Foam: high density urathene 1 sheet
Timber: 30 super ft
Tape: 3" 6oz 4 rolls; 15m 18oz woven rovings
Screws:1 1/2 x 9 50; nails 3/4 x 14 1 packet
4litres epoxy resin plus hardener 12 litres polyester resin
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The CHASER is a high performance beach catamaran and has been specially designed to be easily constructed by the amateur builder. The materials are all in sheet form and this makes the craft particularly simple to build. The hulls are constructed from 4mm plywood which is stitched and taped together along the keel line and then pulled together along the gunwales to give a slightly compound curve to the hull which enhances the strength. The decks are from 4mm ply over a solid timber deck frame and all these components are from fullsize templates for ease of construction.

The craft has a three-quarter rig with headsail and large main and the rig has been designed to give excellent windward performance as well as take maximum advantage of the catamarans well known reaching abilities. The hulls are held apart from two main cross beams which are formed from the same alloy extrusion as the mast and there is also a tube extrusion across the bow to take the compression of the bridle which supports the jib. The craft can easily be dismantled for trailing or storage and it is extremely light weight with the hulls joined together weighing approximately 81kgs. The Chaser is ideal for exposed water sailing and has been specifically designed to take the rigours of rough water.

The plan includes FULLSIZE PATTERNS of all the hull components as well as detailed drawings and written instructions on building procedure etc.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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