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T.C. 5.4m

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$ 690.00
LOA: 18ft 5.486m extendable to 21ft 6.4m
Beam: 8ft
Displacement: 3320Ibs 1334kgs
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The T.C. 5.4m has been designed for aluminium construction with a plywood/glass conversion. This enables amateur builders to build the same hull shape as the aluminium vessel but duplicated in a plywood core fibreglass construction. Details for both are included with the plan. The bottom configuration of the hulls is deep vee forward running to a medium vee aft with a centreline lifting face down the centre of the hulls 6" or 150mm wide. The whole bottom running lines of the craft have been carefully contoured with a slight fore and aft rocker to ensure that the vessel rises quickly to a plane and does not require a head wind and heavy chop to get up on to a plane. The cockpit which in the 18ft is 7.7 sq. m is self-draining through the corners of the outboard well. Fuel tanks are built into the hulls and are amidships in each hull and filled through deck fillers through the side decks. These tanks can be up to 40 imperial gallons per side.

The craft can be built at either 18ft, 19ft, 20ft or 21ft. As it is out to the nearly maximum trailer beam the beam does not require to be adjusted from 18ft up thus enabling all the frames to be respaced evenly through the vessel to achieve the extra lengths. Hull construction in the alloy craft is over alloy frames cut from plate. The topsides of the hull are plated in 3mm plate and the bottom in 4mm. There are no compound curves in the craft and no complex rolling or wheeling equipment is needed to build the vessel. The ply conversion replaces the alloy skin with 9mm keel over which the bottom is glued.

The T.C. has been designed for engines of twin 40 h.p. and up. Twin 80 h.p. outboards will give a top speed of 40 knots and a cruising speed of 35 knots. Larger engines can be used if desired. Performance given on request.

The plan includes FULLSIZE TEMPLATES of all the frames and transom as well as detailed drawings on setting up, hull conversion, etc. plus written instructions.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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