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Jasper 4.5m

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$ 535.00
Hull length: 15 to 16ft 4.5m to 4.8m
Hull and platform: 16'7" to 17'7" 5m to 5.3m
Beam: 7'7" 2.311m
Freeboard fwd: 6'10" 2.082m
Freeboard aft: 5'2" 1.574m
Draught: 12" 304mm
Hull weight (alloy): 933Ibs 423kgs
Aluminium: 4mm plate 8 x 4 4 sheets, 3mm plate 8 x 4 15 sheets Plus bar etc.
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The JASPER 4.5m has been designed for aluminium construction with a plywood/glass conversion. This enables amateur builders to build the same hull shape as the aluminium vessel but in a plywood core fibreglass construction. Details for both are included with the plan. The bottom configuration of the hulls is deep vee forward running to a medium vee aft with a centreline lifting strake down the centre of the hulls 150mm wide. The cockpit is self draining but down the centre boarding platform and through the corners into the outboard wells. Fuel tanks are built into the hulls if desired and these can be up to 30 imperial gallons each maximum fuel capacity.

Hull construction in the alloy craft is over alloy frames cut from plate. The topsides of the hull are plated in 3mm plate and the bottom in 4mm. There are no compound curves in the craft and no complex rolling or wheeling equipment is needed to build the vessel. The plywood conversion replaces the alloy skin with 9mm topsides single skin and 2 skins of 6mm on the bottoms of the hulls. The Jasper has been designed for engines twin 20 h.p. up to twin 100 h.p. Twin 40 h.p. outboards will give a top speed of 35 knots in light trim.

The plan includes FULLSIZE TEMPLATES of all the frames and transom as well as detailed drawings on setting up, hull conversion, etc. plus written instructions for both aluminium and plywood construction.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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