Aquarius Marc 1 - 14' or 15'
Availability: Product not in stock!
Beam: 6'10"
Draught: 10"
Depth of vee at stern: 15°
Freeboard forward: 2'1"
Freeboard aft: 1'6"
Weight ex machinery: 400Ibs
The 14/15 has been designed to fulfil the needs of a family day boat. The plan includes 2 layouts. One layout has a standard cabin with two 6' bunks forward leaving a large roomy cockpit suitable for fishing or cruising. The other layout is of an open runabout with wrap round perspex windscreen and back to back seating.
INBOARD: 1600cc Ford Cortina 35 mph; 223 ci Ford Falcon 40 mph.
PERFORMANCE: 20 hp outboard 23 mph; 35 hp 27 mph; 40 hp 30 mph
BASIC CONSTRUCTION: Sheet ply 318" bottom over stringers and frames with 5116" topsides of sheet ply with the flare laminated out of two skins cut into strips.
FULLSIZE: Patterns are supplied with the plan for all frames, stem, rims and transom plus detailed drawings of all hull construction and written instructions on building procedure.
Average building time 180 hours; timber required 140 super feet; plywood: 8 x 4 x 3/8" 4 sheets; 8 x 4 x 5/16" 4 sheets; 8 x 4 x 5/18" 4 sheets; 7 x 4 x 3/i6" 2 sheets; 7 x 4 x 1/4" 2 sheets; 7 x 4 x 14" 2 sheets; 7 x 4 x 112" 1 sheet