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Aquarius Marc 1 - 14' or 15'

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$ 260.00
LOA: 14' or 15'
Beam: 6'10"
Draught: 10"
Depth of vee at stern: 15°
Freeboard forward: 2'1"
Freeboard aft: 1'6"
Weight ex machinery: 400Ibs

The 14/15 has been designed to fulfil the needs of a family day boat. The plan includes 2 layouts. One layout has a standard cabin with two 6' bunks forward leaving a large roomy cockpit suitable for fishing or cruising. The other layout is of an open runabout with wrap round perspex windscreen and back to back seating.

INBOARD: 1600cc Ford Cortina 35 mph; 223 ci Ford Falcon 40 mph.

PERFORMANCE: 20 hp outboard 23 mph; 35 hp 27 mph; 40 hp 30 mph

BASIC CONSTRUCTION: Sheet ply 318" bottom over stringers and frames with 5116" topsides of sheet ply with the flare lami­nated out of two skins cut into strips.

FULLSIZE: Patterns are supplied with the plan for all frames, stem, rims and transom plus detailed drawings of all hull con­struction and written instructions on building procedure.

Average building time 180 hours; timber required 140 super feet; plywood: 8 x 4 x 3/8" 4 sheets; 8 x 4 x 5/16" 4 sheets; 8 x 4 x 5/18" 4 sheets; 7 x 4 x 3/i6" 2 sheets; 7 x 4 x 1/4" 2 sheets; 7 x 4 x 14" 2 sheets; 7 x 4 x 112" 1 sheet

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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