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Mule 5.5m

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$ 560.00
LOA: 18'3" 5.5m - 22'6" 6.8m
Length interior: 14'3" 4.3m - 18'0" 5.4m
Beam: 7'9" 2.362m
Draught: 13" 330mm
Weight: 1100lbs 498kgs
8 x 4 x 1/8" (3mm) sheets, 14 (5.5m) sheets 17 (6.8m)
8 x 4 (4mm) sheets 5 (5.5m), Sheets 6 (6.8m)
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The MULE 5.5m extendable to 6.8m has been designed as a dive boat, work boat, fishing tender, etc. This is a heavy duty craft specifically designed for the worst of conditions being fully self draining. For safety there are many buoyancy chambers. The craft has been designed to carry reasonable loads at planning speeds, the load carrying ability depending on the h.p. used and the overall length of the craft. Outboard motors of 40 to 225 h.p. can be used, either single or twins up to 225 h.p. total. There are two versions on the plan, the completely open version as well as a cuddy cabin version which features a large windscreen giving protection to the forward half of the vessel from spray, wind etc.

The craft is constructed out of marine aluminium plate with 4mm bottom and 3mm side tanks, floor, cuddy cabin structure, etc. This particular craft is built inside a simple wooden building jig where the frames are cut from chipboard giving a cradle for the aluminium plate to sit in which is accurately held in place ready for welding. Full particulars are given on the plan.

The plan includes FULLSIZE TEMPLATES of the building jig as well as detailed drawings on hull construction, buoyancy chambers, etc. plus written instructions.

Pelin Plans 2000 Ltd · Whangarei · New Zealand · Ph +64 0274 864 307 · info@pelinplans.co.nz 

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